Patterning Rubric
Name: ________________________ Teacher: ___________________
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Identifies and describes repeating patterns involving one attribute.
Identifies and describes repeating patterns involving one attribute with limited understanding.
Identifies and describes repeating patterns involving one attribute with some understanding.
Identifies and describes repeating patterns involving one attribute with considerable understanding.
Identifies and describes repeating patterns involving one attribute with thorough understanding.
Identifies and extends repeating patterns.
Identifies and extends repeating patterns with limited understanding.
Identifies and extends repeating patterns with some understanding.
Identifies and extends repeating patterns with considerable understanding.
Identifies and extends repeating patterns with thorough understanding.
Creates a repeating pattern involving one attribute.
Demonstrates a limited understanding of how to create a repeating patterns involving one attribute.
Demonstrates some understanding of how to create a repeating patterns involving one attribute.
Demonstrates considerable understanding of how to create a repeating patterns involving one attribute.
Demonstrates thorough understanding of how to create a repeating patterns involving one attribute.
Represents a given repeating pattern in a variety of ways (pictures, letters, sounds).
Demonstrates a limited understanding of how to represent a given repeating pattern in a variety of ways (pictures, letters, sounds).
Demonstrates some understanding of how to represent a given repeating pattern in a variety of ways (pictures, letters, sounds).
Demonstrates considerable understanding of how to represent a given repeating pattern in a variety of ways (pictures, letters, sounds).
Demonstrates thorough understanding of how to represent a given repeating pattern in a variety of ways (pictures, letters, sounds).

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Another great math rubric from