Graphing Data
Name: ________________________ Teacher: ___________________
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Displaying and Organizing Labels and Titles
Graph is not titled. Most labels are incorrect and improperly placed.
Graph is not titled. Some labels are correct and properly placed.
Graph is titled appropriately. Most labels are correct and properly placed.
Graph is titled appropriately. All labels are correct and properly placed.
Proportions Numerical and Geometrical
Some of the numerical data is correct and the graph appears somewhat proportional to the data. Graph is not proportioned and contains a glaring bias.
Some of the numerical data is correct and the graph appears mostly proportional to the data. Graph appears mostly proportional with a small degree of bias.
Most of the numerical data is correct and the graph is proportional to the data. Graph appears proportionally without bias.
All of the numerical data is correct and the graph is proportional to the data. Graph appears proportionally without bias.

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Another great math rubric from