Grade 1 Math
Name: ________________________ Teacher: Vincent
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Geometry - Describe spatial relationships of over/under, left/right
Novice - recognize spatial relationships
Partial M- identify spatial relationships
Mastery - describe spatial relationships
Above M - use spatial relationships
Measurement - Use calendar to identify date, sequence days of the week, and months of the year.
Novice - use the calendar and to identify the date;
Partial M - use calendar to identify date, and days of week;
Mastery - use calendar to identify date, days, and months;
Above M - use calendar to find yesterday, today, tomorrow and birth date;
Data Analysis & Probability - Record data on a tally chart or table and use data to make predictions and/or comparisons
Novice - gather data over time, and organize data;
Partial M-gather data over time, organize and interpret data;
Mastery -gather data over time, make a hypothesis as to the outcome, organize and analyze results, and evaluate the validity of the hypothesis;
Above M - identify a real life situation, gather data over time, make a hypothesis as to the outcome, organize and analyze results, evaluate the validity of the hypothesis and communicate results;

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Another great math rubric from