Colors of the Rainbow Graph
Name: ________________________ Teacher: ___________________
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Student correctly sorted Skittles.
Student had difficulty with sorting Skittles and placing data on Worksheet.missing.
Student was able to sort the Skittles, but had difficulty with placing the data on the Worksehet. only able to sort part of the Skittles.sorted data correctly but missed 2 - 3 elements on the graph.
Student was able to sort the Skittles, but had minor difficulty with placing data on the Worksheet with one error. sorted data correctly but missed 1 element on the graph.
Student sorted data correctly and placed all data on the Worksheet correctly. all elements on the graph present.
After lesson, student will be able to place collected data correctly on a bar graph.
Student was not able to place the data correctly on the graph, with 3-4 elements of the graph incorrect.
Student had difficulty placing the data correctly on the graph, with 2-3 elements of the graph incorrect.
Student had a slight difficulty with placing the data correclty on the graph, with 1 elements of the graph incorrect.
Student was able to correctly place data on the graph with all elements of the graph present.

Teacher Comments:


Another great math rubric from