Addition Number Stories

Name: ________________________ Teacher: ___________________
Date: ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Write addition story
Did not write addition story
Did not complete addition story
Wrote addition story but did not include the question
Wrote addition story with question included
Write addition number sentence
Did not write addition number sentence
Wrote number sentence but did not match number story
Wrote number sentence but did not write the answer
Wrote number sentence that matched number story with the correct answer
Draw picture that went with number story
Did not have a picture
Had a picture, but it did not relate to number story
Had a picture that went with number story but not colored
Had a detailed, colored picture that went with number story
Name and box number
Didn't have name or box number
Had name but no box number
Had name and box number but not legible
Had neatly written name and box number

Teacher Comments:


Another great math rubric from