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Probability and Statistics Worksheet 4

Mean, Mode, Median (Show your work)


Marks scored by 9 students in a test, out of 50, are 43, 45, 23, 38, 43, 48, 35, 33, 43. Find the following:


a.    Mean:


b.    Median:


c.    Mode:


The cost of a burger at five outlets in different parts of a city is $25, $15, $17, $25, $20. Find the following:


a.    Mean:


b.    Median:


c.    Mode:


The marks obtained by 6 students in a written test, out of 100 are 75, 95, 75, 75, 80, 80. Find the following:


a.    Mean:


b.    Median:


c.    Mode:


The cost of a pizza at four different outlets in different parts of a country is $10, $14, $14, $10.8. Find the following:


a.    Mean:


b.    Median:


c.    Mode:


The capacities of six water tanks in gallons are 500, 400, 300, 500, 500, 250. Find the following:

a.    Mean:


b.    Median: 


c.    Mode:


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