1. Topic Of Lesson Plan-
Reviewing fractional terms and simplifying proper fractions.
2. Lesson Content-
Terms to review - numerator, denominator, proper fraction, improper fraction, and mixed number (fraction).
New vocabulary - simplifying (reducing) to lowest terms.
3. Goals And Expectations-
1. Students will simplify proper fractions to simplest form using the three-step method.

New Jersey Standards
4.1.4A. Grade 4.
5. Use concrete and pictorial models to relate commonly used fractions.

4.1.5A. Grade 5.
1. Use real-life experiences, physical materials, and technology to construct meanings for numbers.

4.1.5A. Grade 5.
4. Use whole numbers, fractions, and decimals to represent equivalent forms of the same number.

4. Objectives-

1. The students will be able to define fractional terms when asked with 100% accuracy.
2. The students will be able to simplify proper fractions to simplest form using the three-step method with 100% accuracy.
5. Materials and Aids-
PowerPoint presentation
Handout - Fraction Terms
Concrete manipulatives - Beans (for one student)
6. Methods Used and Procedures-

A. Introduction-

After the review of the fractional terms, the students will be introduced to three "pizzas." The first pizza has eight slices with four slices shaded in. The second pizza has four slices with two slices shaded in. The third pizza has two slices with one slice shaded in. The question asked will be, “There are three pizzas equal in size. The denominator represents the total number of slices in the pie. The numerator, shaded slices, is the number of slices you ate. Looking at the three pizzas, which one did you eat the most pizza?” Some expected responses are the first one because four slices are shaded in. But the answer is, “An equal amount was eaten.”

B. Development-

The three-step method for reducing fractions.
1. The operation you always use is division.
2. You divide both the numerator and denominator by the same number.
3. That number has to go into both numbers evenly, and cannot have a remainder.

C. Practice-

1. As a group we'll simplify 12/15 using the three-step method.

D. Independent Practice-

1. The students will individually simplify 10/12 using the three-step method.

E. Accommodations For Students-

1. Two students with needs will be paired, one each, with a partner who is an excelling math student.
2. One student who is a tactile learner will use concrete manipulatives (beans) to simplify the fraction to simplest form.

F. Checking for understanding-

1. Go over the independent practice problem.

G. Closure-

1. Three questions on reviewing the three-step method when simplifying proper fractions to wrap up lesson.
7. Evaluation-
1. Monitor the students by circulating the room.
2. Question and answer feedback.

Lesson Plans from (www.AGradeMath.com)