1. Topic Of Lesson Plan-
Properties of 2D shapes
2. Lesson Content-
Children will know the names and properties of a variety of 2D shapes and how they can fit together.
3. Goals And Expectations-
1. Students will be able to recognise 2D shapes and their features.
2. Students will be able to demonstrate their understanding of shapes via a drawing task.

4. Objectives-

By the end of this lesson students should know the names and properties of 5 X 2D shapes. Students will be able to draw shapes and use these as building blocks to draw more complex shapes.
5. Materials and Aids-
2D shapes, copies of '2D shapes' worksheet, a copy of '2D shapes information'
6. Methods Used and Procedures-

A. Introduction-

Show a prepared A3 worksheet illustrating '2D shapes'. Work through each shape systematically; tell children the name of it, and draw from them the properties of each shape. Shape facts gives the properties of each shape, and definitions of the vocabulary. Explain new terms if there are any. Talk about the side lengths and angles of these shapes.

After discussing the properties of each shape, ask the children to summarise facts

Student are to work semi-independently on an creative maths task.

B. Development-

Explain that the children are going to be shape detectives. Students will be guessing what shape someone is thinking of from given clues.

Children are given an A3 worksheet divided into 6 even sections.

C. Practice-

Game - 'I'm thinking of a shape'. Decide on a shape and say to the children "I'm thinking of a shape... and it has..." and give a clue - number of sides, length of sides, straight or curved sides, the same shape as a lollipop, Christmas tree, star etc. Take the children's ideas of what shape it could be after each clue. Keep giving clues about the shape until a child guesses it.

Students will be given 5 x 2D shape cut outs each to fold in half and then paste one of the half sides to each section of the worksheet. The first box will be used for students to draw and write their name.

D. Independent Practice-

That child who guesses the shape first now thinks of a shape and gives clues about it.

Students will be asked to make bigger/more complex shapes using the original 5 shapes given.

E. Accommodations For Students-


F. Checking for understanding-

Students ability to guess the correct shapes from the clues given will act as an indicator of their knowledge of shapes and their properties.

Students finished A3 posters will provide an indication of how well students understand simple 2D shapes and how they can fit together to form other shapes.

G. Closure-

Students are thanked by the teacher for their good efforts (if appropriate) and are kindly asked to tidy up any equipment used.
7. Evaluation-
Students ability will be assessed by their performance during the shape detective exercise and how their knowledge has progressed since the previous lesson (in which they were first introduced to tessellating shapes)

Lesson Plans from (www.AGradeMath.com)